Arnold Antonin Films

Dans le cadre de la commémoration des 70 ans des Cinq Glorieuses (1946-2016) Trois films d’Arnold Antonin seront Projetés

Mardi 22 Novembre 18h00 IFH Bois Verna: Gérald Bloncourt: un haïtien à Paris, distributeur de tracts et colleur d’affiches

Color/DVD/46 minutes
Exilé d’Haïti pour sa participation à la révolte des étudiants en 1946, aux côtés de Jacques Stephen Alexis et de René Depestre, Gérald Bloncourt n’a jamais oublié sa terre natale. Installé à Paris depuis 69 ans, il a mené de front sans discontinuer son travail de photographe, de peintre et de poète. Dans ce film, la caméra de Gérald Bloncourt nous restitue les images fortes des prolétaires ainsi que celles des artistes et des hommes politiques légendaires qui ont fait la vie parisienne. Ce film nous introduit dans l’univers et l’intimité de Bloncourt qui, à 88 ans, dit lutter encore pour les lendemains qui chantent.

Jeudi 24 Novembre 14h00 Campus de l'UNIQ Haut Turgeau: René Depestre : On ne rate pas une vie eternelle

2016/DVD/120 minutes
Eminent son of the 20th century, a poet as feisty in his beliefs as in his dissents, René Depestre was close to the most prominent political and literary personalities of this century. This film shows him in the company of his Haitian countrymen as well as with Pablo Neruda, Jorge Amado, Aimé Césaire, Léopold Sedar Senghor, Edouard Glissant and Ho Chi Minh, Mao Zedong, Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, as he tells us about his political and literary struggles, celebrates love, sex, the female body and his erotic safaris. We discover a 90 year-old rebel searching for eternity, at the top of his poetic art, with the brilliance of a great writer who dreams of living in "the great house of the humanities."

Vendredi 25 Novembre 15h150 Campus de l'UNIQ Haut Turgeau: Jacques Stephen Alexis, Mort sans sepulture

2015/DVD/95 min French and Creole with subtitles in English and Spanish.
Jacques Stephen Alexis is certainly one of the most prominent writers of Haiti and the Caribbean. Coming  back to Haiti in 1961 after a long journey abroad, the author of "General Sun, My Brother" and "In the Blink of an Eyelid" is kidnapped on François Duvalier's orders and has been missing since then as well as 4 of his companions. This film shows the efforts to find records and decipher the mystery of his disappearance. At the same time, it makes us discover the revolutionary, the thinker, the man of science, the loving father and the great writer.

Written by AAFilms Administrator — November 20, 2016

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